This is a really tough one. I do goofy, stupid stuff daily. Hourly sometimes, when I'm on a roll. There's not much I can look back and not at least have learned something from. My life would be very different without the decisions I've made, and I don't know that it would be better. I have a great life now, I wouldn't change it. But since I HAVE to... this is my list...
1. Started drinking. Oh the money and bodily harm I'd save.
2. Bought into a business that was a fucked up mess, so we lost it all. This one, I'm not sure I've learned anything from it yet. Hopefully someday.
3. Bought our former house. Money pit.
4. Stayed at so long.
5. Been so loyal to some people who didn't deserve it or return it.
6. Gotten rid of this awesome Fender amp I had just because I was lazy and didn't feel like carrying it around while I moved (I had it in my more 'nomadic' days)
That was an excellent list.